A Revelation About Weddings

Just a few months ago, weddings had little value or meaning to me. I had never imagined or even pictured what my own wedding would be like. I valued and honored marriage, but I wasn’t sure about weddings. To me they were costly celebrations that would simply last a day, yet cost significant amounts of preparation and time that could be spent doing more productive things, and money that could be spent on more "practical" or worthy things.

Until I had a revelation recently about what weddings mean to God. The Lord reminded me that in the Bible, Jesus Himself calls Himself a Bridegroom, and we the church are the Bride. That's when I realized that weddings are actually the ultimate spiritual experience. During this year of preparation as we get married, there are layers of revelation about God's own love for us that I believe He wants to really sink deeply into our hearts. Firstly, He wants me to experience what it’s like to be a bride. To know that I am loved, cherished, prized, and worthy of affection and adoration and love. Because I’m not just going to be a bride to Joseph, I am already the Bride of Christ Jesus. As I’ve been digging through Jesus’ references to weddings and the different places He refers to us as His bride in the Bible, there was one passage that struck me: 

“Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.  And you know the way to where I am going.” -John 14:1-3

These verses reminded me of my conversations with Joseph recently about finding an apartment for when we get married. There is so much excitement, anticipation, and “finally’s” filling our hearts and breaths. No more 40-mile separation, midnight webcamming, fights over miscommunication and lack of communication, waiting a long week to see each other then driving 2 hours through rush hour traffic every Friday night to finally meet with joyful squeezes and laughter. In just a little while, we will finally get to be together. 

And this is exactly what Jesus feels, probably to a millionth degree. He is longing and longing for the day He will get to be with his Bride, the church, us. He says, “I’m preparing a place my beloved, and I’m coming back to get you so we can finally be together.” That’s how much Jesus is in love with us, and how much He enjoys our presence. At the end of the age, there will be the bliss of a bridegroom and his bride finally being united. Weddings, in a sense, represent the finally


Unknown said…
Beautifully written!
Felicia Sun said…
Thanks KC! I see Google is faithfully updating you on my posts haha~

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